Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Solution to Many Problems

One of the problems with media, and perhaps society today, is the tunnel vision that they have when it comes to important issues. One debate seems to detract from all others. It forces us to be come singular thinking, as in order for us to feel that our most important viewpoint is heard, we think we have to repeat and rehash it again and again, much like our media does. The marketplace of debatable issues is seemingly very competitive.

As the complex beings that most of us are, we have the ability to consider multiple issues in the context of the big picture of modern society. As news is presented by the media, we tend to become distracted from the issues they are not talking about. Remaining ignorant to these problems can cause them to become worse.

When we look at the full scope of problems facing our world today, we may find that our many problems have similar solutions. While more considerate conversation is required, I think these solutions can be broadly summed up with just one phrase: Love your neighbor.

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