Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Eyes of Another

The world toils, each one working towards their own idea of perfection. The achievement of all dreams lies within the space where we agree and see each other for what we are.

Complex beings speaking softly reach farther than screaming cheats. When we reach we meet to see what this thing is all about. No need to doubt or judge, if you can see a part of yourself in another, you can see the whole thing.

High above the world a beautiful bird flies, singing of a time to come, a perilous journey and a love for the world. It's feathers are shining, blinding those who wish not to see. Only by choice can we find the thread that leads to peace. Not for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of one another.

We are each entrusted with the choices that make up what we become, this cannot be taken lightly, as in the light of the sun we find our breath and our destruction. Again choices must be made, thoughts tailored to fit the bodice of our destiny. Shall we live in fear or can we share in the gifts that we receive?

If you believe you can make it so. A leap of faith, not only in God, but in self, gods wax and wane fueled by our emotional choices.

Unite against fear, against sloth, against complacency. When we refuse to progress or decline, we lose our minds, and our chance to learn. Even if we wait to watch this burn, fire cleanses and births a new consciousness. In this choice we are bound to one another, much like the binding of love.

Burn out impurities, separate the chaff, not to lose ourselves, but rather to find each other. The judgement of creation begins in the eyes of another. From there we find forgiveness or death. If this is your last breath, would you rather take it all in, or send it all out? The choice is not made now, you must simply maintain your space and wait for the time. Accept or deny, in our last moment choices lay where they lie.

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