Friday, December 28, 2012

That is what I believe

Sam Cooke,  Ray Charles and James Brown are considered the beginnings of SOUL MUSIC

Fela Kuti coined the term and developed the sound of AFROBEAT

REGGAE is a genre developed in Jamaica that is regularly associated with Rastafari practices

GOSPEL MUSIC can be broken into two sub catgories


    WHITE GOSPEL is derived from shape note SINGING, and HYMNS

Any music played with a connection to one's spirit, can be GOSPEL
That is what I believe

I believe in the GOSPEL of SOUL MUSIC. I believe in the pure righteousness of sound. I've realized everything is better with a real connection to art and love. I'VE LEARNED THAT ITS ALL RELATIVE. I know now that what I am capable of in my art, I am capable of in ALL THINGS. The complexities of my life are simple when you break the beat from the melody, take the harmonies apart and realize that life isn't you or what you do it is the power of your love, the power of your soul, the power of your heart, the power of your mind.And your abilities to lend strength, promote peace, hold love, give love. I have wings to fly but I must remain ROCK SOLID through my flight. I have love to give and must do so FREELY. The sum of the whole is only as great as the least of its parts. I must take my weaknesses and upon them build strength. I must be patient in my efforts, for while life is fleeting, it goes on. I must be like a child. I must be like the one hundred year old man. I must be like you. I must be like me. There are lessons everywhere in life, the answers and TRUTH are apparent to those who SEE. SEEK. TRUTH.

Hold on. Try harder.

I learned even though I didn't think I could

So alot of people are dying from herion. I've always heard of the terrible things that heroin does and it has made me sad from time to time. 
We all quest for our paradise. Life can be so beautiful and so engrossing. All of life is if you look at it hard enough. It makes me think we as a generation are not trying hard enough. We sit glued to tubes fearing work and strain. In my days I have experienced pain, and I have learned how to appreciate it rather than fear it. I still fear it, but its is easier to deal with. I have learned that even though I didnt think I could.
So when I saw a glimpse of my strengths, I became thirsty for challenges, like a junky after a fix. I want to fail only so I can succeed someday. There is determination confined inside of you if only you'll let it out. If you trust/respect yourself and the very real ideas you have you can find the determination to do what you want to do. It is up to you to want to do right.Then it is up to you to learn what is right. The answers are there if you look hard enough, lose your fear and live gradually.
    Heroin is not right but its easy. We as a generation are victims of this technological age. Everyone we see on TV is happy so we think we deserve happiness whether or not we've worked hard. Everything superficial is becoming easier and faster all of the time. Not everything should be as easy as it is.There are lessons in hard work.  I look at our grandparents and see the fruits of their hard work and the value of their determination. They were determined because they could see to tomorrow and had hope. You have the choice where you end up. Look to tomorrow.

I am in complete control of my life whether or not I take the wheel.

Hands and Feet

Music is my solution. Music in LOVE. Reach for the heavens with the beat of your internal bass drum. I was meant to walk to that beat. I think thats why God gave me feet. They are nice feet, I like them. They get me around and I dont have to fill them with gasoline. They can kick soccer balls and run on beaten paths. They carry me to where I need to be and only are mean to me when I am mean to them.
So I step up gracefully and say "Feel the earth between your toes, Its the greatest feeling you can ever know. Take life in between your fingers, Experience its ebb and flow. Flow with divinity and you will be divine. Flow with your heart, it will be followed by your mind."
 Reach for your roots and touch the sky. We have this opportunity to touch everything in our atmosphere and go beyond. If we choose to do so, we can achieve our highest state of being. If we ignore this gift, then we will doomed to ignorance. If we cherish the gift of being and life then we can cherish the gift that is everything. We owe it to our creator to love him and his creation. We owe it to ourselves to love. 

The Chivalric Code

Brothers and Sisters, I call to you in an act of the utmost importance. We are coming to a time in our development where we must decide to move forward or fall backwards. The battles rage daily and continue in their relentlessness. WE must be strong together in order to put up a fight. WE have the fate of mankind in our hands.
Honesty, integrity, patience, compassion, skill and conviction. All of these in love represent the chivalric code. It is our duty as concious members of this race to hold these values high in our hearts. It is the means of our universal trancendence. In these traits lie the ability to carry our race from the dark ages we currently are in and into an era where light dominates. In this era of light lies the possibilties of our progression. A progression to a higher love and a higher understanding. An understanding, that if not reached will cast us into the realms of darkness indefinitely.
There have been races on our planet that have progressed in many ways farther than us. There have been discoveries of accurate maps from over 10,000 years ago. The creators of these maps progressed to a point and then were presented with a cataclysmic change. A change(ie:poles shifting) that destroyed almost everything they had progressed to. We are coming to another change. The planet cannot handle us, and our progressive dominance over it, forever. We will be catapulted backwards into the cradle of man, or forward into the realms of the universe.
In the time of change we will have many choices. Many of our physical bodies will die. If we we are to carry any piece of our progression forward, we must be strong in our convictions now. We must promote and practice the Chivalric Code, so that our brothers and sisters may learn the value of it. We must push the universal conciousness to realize the importance of our values so that we can evolve into the beautiful beings we truly can be.
This is difficult and takes practice. You must be devoted to your purpose wholeheartedly with an understanding of why you must do this. It will take much meditation and focus to realize why you must do this. Only once we progress can we fully understand the importance of it. Roll with the punches and have faith. Faith in God, faith in humanity, faith in the universal conciousness, whatever faith you fall upon. Be thankful and cling to faith.
Focus your determination, meditate upon it. Be strong in every choice you make and have faith.

One Chance and a Million

Every moment, every day, is a gift.

As human beings on this big, strange floating orb called Earth, its easy to think we are limited in our ability to create and be great. Its easy to think there is only so much greatness to go around, and that the only ones to realize their greatness are lucky. They were in the right place at the right time. Sometimes this is true, but not as often as we think.

We as Humans on this planet have unlimited possibilities. As a realist, I am constantly aware of my limitations. What I've realized, is that we are so gifted with new chances everyday. New opportunities to create and to love. The only thing standing between me and my dreams is my hard work.

Nothing ever came easy. We live in a time where so many simple desires are at the touch of a button. We can have a satisfying meal, simply by opening a can and turning a dial. The human race has never known luxury like this. Yet it is so easy to turn on MTV Cribs and see more things that we desire. And we become trapped in this desire, focusing on the end result and not on what it takes to get there.

So many times I've desired true freedom. Freedom to create the music I want, write the books I like, freedom to create and live in beauty. I can see now, I will never be any more free than I am right now. I have every opportunity to create what I want. Through focus and determination I have the ability to be anything and do anything I want.

When I am confident in my work, I sometimes consider myself a musician. I sometimes consider myself a writer. I sometimes consider myself a mason. I am none of these things. I am a human being. These things are things that I do, not who I am. In order to do things well, no matter what I do, I must do them in service to mankind and God.

We have a choice. This is our gift. There are many other beings who have no choice. A lion, in all its greatness, must be a lion. It eats and it sleeps. It knows no other way. It may being the king of the beasts, but it cannot play a piano, or smoke a cigarette, even if it wanted to. There are many other beings who have no choice, God must be God. We as humans are not limited to be anything. We have the free will to create and be great. It is not our responsibility, it is not a burden, it is a gift. A gift that can only be realized through our focus, hard work and determination. A gift that can be lost through insecurity, doubt, laziness and arrogance.

Things will not happen for you. You must make things happen. We all have desires, and within that we have the ability to realize these desires. Value is a representation of hard work, not luck, and if we desire value in ourselves then all we must do is see it first. If we cannot see our potential and inherent value then no one will. My faith leads me to believe that I am here for a reason, my mind and my hands prove this belief. All we must do is prove to ourselves what we already know. The only way to do that is to see our value constantly and work to achieve it. A value realized, is only a representation of time and energy.

I already know all of these things. I have known them my whole life without even really trying. I'm sitting here rehashing ideas I had 5 years ago and I feel foolish. I can know these ideas to be true but I cannot realize them until I get off the MySpace and start working towards my dreams. Today is a new dream and through the gift of my humanity and the gift of grace I move forward. Its either that or sit here rehashing these ideas until I'm dead. I fear and dread wasting my chance. I dont know if there will be another one. I have every opportunity, right now, maybe not tomorrow, but right now. So here I go.

Dont Judge a Judge by his covers...

As someone who works with prisoners on a regular basis, I get the opportunity to read a wide range of criminal and civil cases that are happening in this country right now. In viewing case after case, responding to letter after letter, I have realized that I am viewing a monologue of an oppressed generation. The court systems, legal systems, police systems are in a state of disarray and confusion currently. This is probably the worst time in Modern American History that you could ever be arrested. I am sorry if you already deal with this problem, my prayers are with you. Really it almost seems like there are more ways to be damaged in this country than there could ever be potential remedies. What if 1000 people legitimately won 10 million dollar settlements today? We would have to print more money. What about tomorrow?
I am not saying that the civil justice system is unnecessary, quite the contrary. There are people who are damaged by corporations and our government that have no means of remedy. The civil justice system should be the remedy, based on common understandings of the law in America, but the civil system is broken, so it cannot provide the remedies.
I guess the most important point I want to make is: the world of 1980''s America was a world that  you could say that most prisoner's were guilty and that most convicts were really bad people. This is not the case in the world today. Private Prisons are big business, and when cash flow becomes the most important piece of the Justice Pie, the whole thing turns to rot. A large portion of those up on charges, or incarcerated today are easily identifiable AT FIRST READ OF THE CASE FILE as having their due process rights violated. Keep that in mind as you see them in their orange suits cleaning trash off the highway. Some of those guys are the victims.

Rules to live by

read a book/breathe deep/take a walk/meditate/open your mind/grow something/give freely of yourself/be nice to animals/keep it simple/don't forget to smile


It has occurred to me that the concept of kingship would be a valuable tool for the men on this planet at this time. We are a nation that can easily correlate our habits to those of Ancient Rome. The concept of kingship represents the man at his highest calling and purpose. A good king in control of himself and his kingdom, takes care of himself and the people in his kingdom. He approaches others with open ears and open heart, offering all of his understanding so that he may gain the most from his experience. He acts with chivalry and honor, viewing the world with one compassionate eye, and one of discernment. He then stands in front his kingdom as representative, taking responsibility for his actions and his affect on others. If the male gender could consider this concept and the potential value it has in our world, we could eliminate a lot of the problems we are seeing right now.