Friday, December 28, 2012

Hands and Feet

Music is my solution. Music in LOVE. Reach for the heavens with the beat of your internal bass drum. I was meant to walk to that beat. I think thats why God gave me feet. They are nice feet, I like them. They get me around and I dont have to fill them with gasoline. They can kick soccer balls and run on beaten paths. They carry me to where I need to be and only are mean to me when I am mean to them.
So I step up gracefully and say "Feel the earth between your toes, Its the greatest feeling you can ever know. Take life in between your fingers, Experience its ebb and flow. Flow with divinity and you will be divine. Flow with your heart, it will be followed by your mind."
 Reach for your roots and touch the sky. We have this opportunity to touch everything in our atmosphere and go beyond. If we choose to do so, we can achieve our highest state of being. If we ignore this gift, then we will doomed to ignorance. If we cherish the gift of being and life then we can cherish the gift that is everything. We owe it to our creator to love him and his creation. We owe it to ourselves to love. 

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